New Year ~ New Plan?

With a new year, inevitably comes an array of resolutions and goals to achieve in the next 12 months. Renewed thoughts, inspirations, hopes, fears and all emotions in between. “Yay, new year - new me!” we all naively exclaim at 12:01.

So, here we are with the first full week of the year behind us. How far have you come with your resolutions? Have you worked on a plan for achieving all those new goals? Is there even a plan or are you still psyching yourself up to tackle this next season? As good ole Ben Franklin once said, “if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” And with that comes some true wisdom - you can’t step blindly into the new year with nary a path nor a means to get there and expect to have defined results in the next few months. Sure, you might stumble your way into some pretty awesome experiences and perhaps SOME of your goals can be that loose, but for the most part anything worth keeping, takes intentional time and effort to come to fruition.

Organization is simply a well laid plan of where to keep your belongings, ideas, etc. so you can easily manage tasks and re-access them later when they’re needed. Starting a pattern is the hardest, but once you decide the way, the path takes the same, reassuring steps every time. Soon the path is well-worn and has become a pattern, a routine - something that is done without thinking. That’s how your life should run within your home. Your belongings shouldn’t be hindering you from living your best life, they should be helping to enhance it!

No matter if you have the biggest, hardest resolution, a few small ones or none at all - Start the year off right. Remove the clutter of things that are hindering the best version of you. Make a home for everything you use on the regular and keep up the cycle. Reassess in a few months to see how these patterns are working for you. You’ll find there may be a few tweaks needed to really make it your own, but overall your day to day will go much smoother without unnecessary consideration of things that add no value to your life - like putting away groceries or doing laundry!

A few helpful considerations to ponder when evaluating your belongings - Do I need this? Is it pretty / does it bring me happiness? Do you LOVE it, would you buy it again? When was the last time you used it? Am I keeping it for “one day”? Do I own something similar? Am I keeping this for sentimental reasons? Is there a better place I can put this so I can use it more often? Start small - one drawer, one closet at a time. Another December will be upon us again sooner than we all anticipate it - so take that step now.

Live better. Stay healthy. Set a goal… and make a plan. Happy 2022 All!


Organization 101 - Where & How to Begin an Undertaking


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