Starting, When your motivation is low

Up here in the northeast, we are in the heart of winter. Even though some of the days get over 40 (heatwave for us!) - it still drops below freezing once the sun starts to set. For those of us who respond best to the warm rays of the sun and gather energy from its presence, this can be a real obstacle to overcome. So what do you do when the household chores are adding up and your body feels more compelled to hibernate? Here are some tips and tricks to feel productive, even on your least motivated days.

Give yourself grace.

First thing to recognize is that you can’t be a Rockstar every day. Some days we’re rocking it, crossing off pages of To Dos and others we’re dragging every step of the way. The most unhelpful thing you can do is to get down on yourself for not being today’s champion. Show yourself some self compassion. Recognize its one of “those” days” and adjust your schedule accordingly. No sense is forcing yourself to take on that huge project you promised your friend you’d help her with or push yourself to add another mile on your morning walks. Today just isn’t that day and that’s ok. We all have them. Be kind to yourself and honor your body’s request for a rest day!

Revise your To-Dos.

Review your list of things that you wanted to accomplish and reallocate some of the bigger action items to tomorrow or later in the week. The saying “there’s no time like the present” can be better replaced with “there is nothing more important today than taking care of my mind, body and spirit.” Similar to showing yourself some grace, give yourself a win! Don’t set yourself up for failure before you’ve even started by piling on the assignments. Let some of the bigger things simmer for another day or so. Hopefully by allowing yourself an easier day today, your body will thank you by having more energy and enthusiasm tomorrow.

Add a few “Shoo-ins” to the list.

In line with setting yourself up for success and garnering some feelings of accomplishment, add a few easier tasks to your list. These should be simple, self-care type things that you’d likely be doing in your daytime routine anyway, like make your bed, take a shower, journal or eat a healthy lunch. Give yourself credit where its due! You changed out of your PJs! Plus adding a few self care items could potentially make you feel a little better overall.

Start Simple.

Choose to do some of the easier things on the list that don’t require a lot of physical movement. Have a few emails you want to respond to? Is there a drawer you’ve been meaning to organize? Some papers / mail that needs to be gone through? Pick something that won’t sap too much energy, but gives you a boost for completing it.

Don’t push so hard.

Anyone else struggle with an internal task master always pushing them to get more done?! We live in a society that glorifies busy as if it’s some kind of ideal to work towards. Being busier never made anyone happier or healthier. Being hard on yourself is not a motivator, it actually does the opposite. Watch your self talk and reframe any negative feedback that might be bouncing around your head. You are enough today. Remember to take breaks when needed and stay hydrated! Dehydration can also be adding to your low energy and mood.

Overall, be compassionate with yourself, honor your body by acknowledging it needs a day to rest and adjust accordingly. Who knows, maybe your motivation will grow as you start taking one step after another. Compounded small actions that could turn into something that might resemble a full productive day!

Spring is right around the corner and with it longer, warmer days. Soon, like the tulips, we’ll be blooming into more energized, spirited beings! But until then, be kind to you and listen to what your body’s telling you. <3


Start Small - Start Now.


Organization 101 - Where & How to Begin an Undertaking